Stranded In The Southland

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Another Time To The Well

We had a nice storm over last weekend, dumping snow on Baldy, plus I couldn't manage to schedule a flight over the weekend, so I went ahead and bopped up to the Ski Hut last Sunday. It was a beautiful day, with clear skies and cool temperatures, perfect for a quick, uneventful hike.

The drive up was interesting, as rocks seemed to be breaking loose left and right -- I had to dodge around a bit on the drive up. Plus, I got to use my all-singing-all-dancing National Parks card to get into the Angeles National Forest -- they even had a little hang-tag I could put my card in to display it so I wouldn't get a ticket.

[Again, this isn't too exciting, but at least it provides me a way to keep track of my hiking...]